Under review

Editable Section for Article layout

Tony Venables 2 years ago in Website bulder updated by WebWave 1 year ago 3

When adding a new article to a Blog there are many occasions when the author would like to have the flexibility to add in new text, image and video elements into the article over and above the layout of the article template chosen. Some of these elements like images and video can be added via the text editor, but this is clunky and you lose your ability to place objects anywhere on the page and layer them.

I propose that WebWave create a new element, (call it the "flexibox" ) that when dragged onto the page allows you place and layer any type of element inside it.

Use case: 

When creating an article layout, you can drag a "Flexibox" into an article layout and make it part of the layout so that when adding a new article you can place any type of element into the area defined by your flexibox in the same way as you would do on the main canvas on a normal page.

This feature allows you to add totally editable areas into your article layout that otherwise would not exist. The flexibox element would behave and be styled like any other element. You can bind it, group it etc. This feature allows you some real design freedom when adding articles without destroying the overall template concept.