Under review

Webwave brand to be removed when inviting new webmaster

Sem 2 years ago in Website bulder updated by WebWave 2 years ago 1

The ability to add a Webmaster user for my client is not white label. 

The invitation "Sender name" is Webwave

And the email it is sent from is Webwave

And the destination to accept the invitation goes to the Webwave website.

Could we please have it so that.

1 - The from name can be changed to the white label domain name (or anything other than Webwave)

2 - The email could be a generic email or an email we could set up for our agency

3, When accepting the invitation, the new webmaster can be directed to the website we have created for them or our white label agency.

Having the Webwave brand leakage is not ideal. So, please consider this to make it easier for all of us.

Thank you.

Under review

Good idea. Let's vote!