Under review

Image Galery - with click event

Mike 2 years ago in Website bulder updated by Paola Minekov 1 year ago 5

Add the option: 

Sofar: If you press on the thumbnails you see these image in a big size. But if you click on the big image nothing happens. It would be great if you can go to an article/page/URL if the big image is clicked. Like in the image grid.

There is a click action on each image in the gallery already, and an option for a link in the title.

Ok so let's vote!

Under review

So if you found a solution, is this idea up to date?


My solution is only a -not very good working- workaround. So I still need this feature.

I have seen the option to use links in the title text inside the image gallery. This could be a solution for me.