Under review

Have Sliders, Galleries and Grids not limited to just images

Jigs 2 years ago in Website bulder updated by ivan 1 year ago 2

The Slider, Gallery and Grid elements would be incredibly powerful if we could use them with arbitrary elements, rather than just with images.

For example, a Slider could be used to display auto-changing text on a hero banner. It could also be used as a call-to-action section on a shop page, displaying a series of "specials" - where each slide could be a group containing an image, promo text, and a call-to-action button.

Similarly, a Gallery could be used in a CTA section, if we could add text and buttons to each gallery item/slide. We could also use it to showcase shop products, or specific news from the site's blog - with the ability to change the layout and style of each item.

Obviously, a Grid could also be a fantastic way to showcase a shop's products, or a blog. We just need to be able to customise each item in the grid, so that instead of showing just an image, we can also show text, background rectangles, buttons, etc. 

Videos in galleries, please.

Also, having different images for "normal state" and "hoover" on each image would be fantastic and very funny for the user to play with

Under review

Hi! Thank you for your suggestions. Now we are working on the image carousel. Your ideas are very interesting and I will keep them in mind. Let's vote for it!