Under review

Enhance blog posts editor.

Chris 2 years ago in Website bulder updated by WebWave 1 year ago 3

Right now, it's quite difficult to get a good looking blog post with mixed text and pictures. It quasi requires to define a template for each post for something neat. The picture insertion into the text is quite clumsy right now. To the point that I am looking at adding DropIn Blog

Thanks for your ideas. Let's vote!


Where 1 specific blog post may have 3 pictures inserted, another might have 5 or 8 or ...

The text editor allow to insert photos but not to move the photo around while the text organizes.

It's quite clumsy

Only work around I found would be to create a template for each article ....

The text editor in the blog section lack basic features, like putting a bloc in "Quotes" display and many more.

It is too basic really, compared to the power and beauty of the rest of the software for web edition.

I though of using normal web pages for blogging but then I lack the categories and blogfeed.

For use case, please take a look at DropIn Blog, or even Wix in its blog section.

Thanks much guys for taking the time to consider this :)

Under review

Could you please tell something more about your idea? Any use case?