Under review

More customisation of blog roll

James L 1 year ago in Website bulder updated by Mauricio “Rockerfeler” Perera 1 year ago 3

It would be really great to be able to have more input into the design of the blog roll.

For example, at the moment I can turn off "read more", but it would be really great to be able to move the position of the "read more" link. It would also be great to be able to change the size and position of photos etc.

In the case of dates, they do not translate when changing the language

of the site (names of months and similar remain in English)

Also, I'd love a masonry layout, so the photos don't get cropped to a specific size/proportion. Would be very useful for portfolio sites.

Under review

Do you have more examples of things that we could develop in the blog roll?