Under review

GDPR again - with youtube ;-)

mail 1 year ago in Website bulder updated by WebWave 9 months ago 1

If some of our (Austrian) customers need to have some youtube videos on their page there are some things that are needed if we want to use webwave for them:

  • A user visits your website and sees a locally stored preview image of the video (DONE). 
  • This preview image contains a note indicating that the video is hosted on YouTube. (would be great if this could be automated) 
  • To be done: When the user clicks on the preview image, a message is displayed informing them that by loading the video, data will be sent to YouTube, and asks for their consent. If they agree, the video is loaded. 

This information should be "translatable" in all languages the customers page offer.

I want to make websites with webwave as soon as possible - so for me GDPR/DSGVO issues are one of the last obstacle that prevent me from doing this.

Kind regards


Under review

Thank you for your idea. Let's vote!