Under review

click action of "show or hide objects" option for linked text

Laurence 11 months ago in Webmaster's panel updated by WebWave 8 months ago 1

At present it is possible to add a pop-up window by adding a button and then selecting the click action of "show or hide objects" and variously showing or hiding a selected group of objects (as explained in your wonderful video: 

Youtube video

I would like to see this option offered for linked text, so the viewer may click on a linked text to view a pop-up window.
If this feature can be added, then it would be easier to allow the trigger for a pop-up window to remain within the text. 

I don't use pop-up windows on the phone screen version of my site, but they are valuable for the desktop screen version.

However, also noticed a problem when I added pop-up windows with a button. These objects are normally hidden until revealed by clicking to show or hide. But, in my Opera browser, when I click and drag the corner to reduce the width of the window to less than around 1000 pixels (an approximation), the hidden objects suddenly appear all by themselves. 

Thank you for considering this addition to Webwave.

Laurence Caruana

Under review

Very interesting idea, let's vote!