
Add the item fixed to the bottom of the window while scrolling

Robert Claudiu 4 years ago updated by WebWave 4 years ago 3
I want if possible to add the item fixed to the bottom of the window while scrolling

I belive that this feature is already available. You can position element on the page with vh and vw units. This way you can position your object on the bottom of the screen.

You can also set the element to fixed when user scrolls your page and the element reaches botom of the page.

Go ahead and contact our online chat for assistance on how to use those features :)

This is very interesting.

It is curious that it is possible to paste an element on the top and sides, but not on the bottom. I trust it won't be too complicated to add soon.

It would be great to be able to offer something similar to the progressive web application with this feature...

Thank you!

Under review

We'll take a closer look into this.