
Instance objects

Kristian Paprocki 4 years ago updated by WebWave 3 years ago 3

Add posibility to create instanced objects.

Where after creating an object (text block, square, image, etc.) and turning it into an instance, it would add possibility to copy it to other places and let the user edit all of those copies at the same time. 


I'm happy to inform, that you can add your own element groups and reuse them through your projects. I think this feature does exactly what you've described above.

If you have any problems in using this feature please contact our support via online chat.

It's almost what I was thinking about!

What I'm wishing for, is the possibility to edit one of the copies and let the changes be applied automatically to the other copies. 

Let's say you're creating a pop-up window that you want to be shown on multiple pages. After you have created it and copied it over to the pages you want, every kind of change done after that, would have to be manually applied to every copy. So it would be really great to have the possibility to turn a group or an object into a instance (global instance) that would refeer to their copies and automatically apply changes to their copies. 

You can also set elements to be shown on many pages. This way if you make changes to the element on one page it's changed everywhere.

If that's not what you're looking for as well, please give some examples of how situations in which you'd use the feature you're thinking of.